Medicare Patients are the Customers!

I am always reminding my clients, especially my Part C Medicare Advantage clients, that they are the Customer.  They can and should ask how and where they can lower their medical costs.  If a doctor prescribes a test, they should ask why it is needed and more importantly, where can they get that test done that will cost them the least based upon the specific Plan they have.  Most of us are not accustomed to asking our doctors these types of questions.  We think “they are the doctor, they should know best.”  In many cases they don’t have any idea of the variances in costs for certain medical tests.  Costs vary widely based upon where a test is administered and which Plan a patient has.

This is less of an issue for my Medicare Supplement clients; however, this concept of asking, also applies to prescriptions.  As almost everyone has a Prescription plan (whether it is a stand-alone Part D drug plan or it is embedded in a Medicare Advantage Plan), there are many variables to lowering drug costs.  Here too, ask for lower cost alternatives such as Generics and shop around at different pharmacies.  A recent article describing proof that both doctors and patients are missing opportunities to lower costs is linked below:

The bottom line is Medicare Beneficiaries should get in the habit of asking questions regarding how, where and when they can save money when something is prescribed.  I do it and I recommend my Medicare clients do it.

Based in the Richmond, Va area, David Higgs of Choices In Medicare specializes in helping seniors transition to Medicare.  He can be reached at email: or go to website:

CMS Finalizes 2017 Medicare Advantage Payment

CMS has just released their 2017 Medicare Advantage plan capitation rate.  On average, the payment will increase by .85%.  You may recall that Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Medicare Part C, are one way Medicare Beneficiaries can get their Medicare.  This shifts the risk and responsibility for a Beneficiary’s Medicare claims from Medicare to the private insurance company offering the Medicare Advantage plan.

This slight increase probably means most plans will not have to change their benefits much.  We will know in October when all 2017 plans will be published.  The increases fluctuate from year to year.  If you want to know more about this news story, click on the link below.

If you have questions about Medicare coverages or the difference between Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplements, contact me at: or go to website.